
DGT2010, the official chess clock of the World Chess Federation FIDE.

Product Code – #CC201O

SKU: #CC201O Category:


DGT 2010 Chess Clock

  • The front buttons are dark blue instead of red;
  • For every manual option, the last setting is automatically saved. Even after switching off the timer or using other options this setting is saved;
  • Options for Scrabble™ are added;
  • Bronstein delay with multiple time controls can be set;
  • In Canadian Byo-yomi the extra time can be added automatically after the required number of moves;
  • Some preset times were amended to more popular settings;
  • 02 year warranty

For more information, please read the DGT 2010 manual.

Recommend – For the All Chess Tournament Players, Club Players &  School Chess Players


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